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Published on 01/09/2007 Ã*s 18h06m

RIO and New York - More than 120 million units of products had been condemned to come back of the hands of the consumers toward the ones of its manufacturers since the beginning of the year, in a world-wide wave of recalls never seen in terms of amount and variety. With the globalization and the production the lesser costs in China - and with the lack of the quality control - thousand of automobiles, toys, eletroeletrônicos, foods, footwear and until condoms - they are being removed of the shelves and coming back toward the oven.

As news article published for the periodical the GLOBE that circulates in this sunday, the United States, the number of recalls in this year arrived the 520 between January and July, while in Brazil this number is around 30, in accordance with given of the Brazilian Institute of Defense of the Consumer (Idec).

U.S.A. is the main destination of Chinese merchandises e, according to according to estimates of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), one of the six responsible governmental agencies for the subject in the country, only in August had been emitted 36 official notices and collected 12.164.100 products.

- He is having the banalização of recalls, each time more numerous and diversified - the retail professor of Fundação Getulio says Vargas (FGV) Cláudio Goldberg.

More than the 120 million “declassifiedâ€