Preparation is the Cure for Fear
The news is not good. Too many variables around us can turn bad at any moment. Most of the variables we can not control - like prices, shortages, war, terror attacks, blackouts and weather. However, just because we can not control something does not mean we cannot prepare for the event. Since we do know everything is connected, preparation begins with identifying the most important and taking action.

This past week I went to a Fair in Marianna dedicated to Self-sufficiency and Preparedness. I thought I knew a lot, but boy - was I wrong! I learned so much.
Thank you, LDS Church, for opening my eyes.

The lowest common denominator (the thread that connects everything) is weather. So let's get a few facts out of the way first:

1. Any information coming from the UN is a lie.

How do I know? Because they told us:

"We need to get some broad based support, to capture the publics imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."
- Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports.

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) pays scientists to come
up with the outcome the IPCC needs in order to scare and control the people.

2. CO2 is a gas necessary to support plant life (including food).
CO2 is produced mainly by the ocean and volcanoes after the ocean gets warm,
and the heat pressurizes a volcano.

Try an experiment with your kids:

  • Get 2 glasses and fill both with soda (the bubbles are CO2.)
  • Put one glass in the refrigerator and one glass in the sun or any place to get warm. Look at the glass after 1 hour.
  • The cold glass will still have bubbles while the warm glass will not. Why?
  • Because CO2 is released once the glass gets warm.
  • So how can a gas that is present in the air after it warms be the cause of the air getting warm? It can't!.

CO2 has nothing to do with the temperature of the weather!!
You are now conditioned to use LESS fuel and BUY more expensive products that are "GREEN". This caused perfectly good, inexpensive products to come off the market - causing you to spend more!

3. All weather charts and indicators show that there has been NO WARMING IN THE LAST 17 YEARS. Please watch this video with your children. It is made by John Coleman, the producer of the Weather Channel:
John Coleman of KUSI: How the Global Warming Scare Began ...

4. American are fooled into believing the oceans will rise and Florida will be under water, so we have to build a sea wall from the keys to Jacksonville.


  • If you live on the ocean and there is a storm a surge it could affect you!

  • If you live near a fault line, you could be affected during an earthquake!

  • If you live near a volcano, you could be affected during an eruption!

  • If you live in tornado, you could get hit!

There is nothing you can do except move - if you want to get out of harms way!

A wall on one side of a peninsula WILL DO NOTHING. Expensive wind mills and solar WILL DO NOTHING. Legislation, taxes and you not driving, and not using fossil fuel WILL DO NOTHING. What will it do? COST A LOT OF MONEY, aka "WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION". Just look at the RISING cost of cars, gas, and food!

5. The real forecast for the coming year - COLD. The Farmers Almanac and the scientists not paid by government and UN grants to come up with the desired outcome says, IT IS GOING TO BE HORRIFICALLY COLD.
What are you told? "You must stop what you are doing and become sustainable."

The Rulers will not define sustainable because it means you do more for less so the Rulers can have more. They don't want you to know the truth because they can control you with food.

6. The SUN not man controls our weather. The SUN, OCEANS, VOLCANOES, EARTHQUAKES will not pay taxes. So man must be blamed, controlled and taxed!

How do I know Man Made Global Warming is a lie? Because they tell us: "The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself." - Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations.

7. You have a choice. Education is the cure for ignorance.
Let's work on solutions:

  • What will you do if there is no fuel? (last year we were one week away from running out). Now we will have less fuel, since the corrupt EPA closed most coal plants for no reason, except that they can.

  • What will you do if the electric grid goes down? Several analysts have estimated it can take up to 4-5 YEARS for electric grid repair in the event of an EMP attack. Last week we had a thunder storm and the electricity was out for 4 hours. Credit cards, EBT cards will not work and you can't eat them! No electricity eliminates water for most people.

  • Where is your nearest water source? Do you have a month of water stored? Do you have the buckets to put the water in if it rains or snows?

  • How much food do you have in your pantry? The average family has 3 weeks worth of food in their homes. What will you do if food can not be delivered to your local grocer? Can you barter, or better yet, grow? Up north, growing food in gardens is not possible once a frost lasting weeks sets in. Do you have a garage? Put plants in buckets so you can pull them into garages or into your house. Buy extra food now - love those BOGO sales! We have a rule in our house, we only grow plants we can eat. Flowers and trees are pretty, but you can't eat roses.

  • Do you have Medical Supplies? Make sure you have a month or two of supplies and medicines. Emergency First Aid kits? First Aid training? During a disaster, the first group of people to die are those needing medical attention.

  • Can you protect yourself and your family? Sadly, we see mobs in action today. Hungry, angry mobs will roam neighborhoods. NEVER OPEN YOUR DOOR to anyone you don't know. There are many online websites with safety checklists, look for them.

During a crisis which will come - one because we live on a volatile planet - you cannot rely on government to help you!

You are the only one that is interested in saving YOU and YOUR FAMILY.

The government will NOT help. How do we know? We have seen them in action after Katrina, Sandi, Tornadoes or the Border crisis.

Your life is in YOUR HANDS. Prepare with your family, your neighborhood, your church. Go to your county, city meeting and ask them how they have prepared? Extra fuel? Food, shelters, blankets?

Getting grants to "green" building and build bike paths mean nothing, if there is no food.

You also have a choice in November.
Choose a leader, not a follower.
Demand Town Halls in you communities and ask candidates the right questions.
Call candidates and ask them the right questions.
Participate and prepare.
Education eliminates ignorance.
Preparation eliminates fear.
WHO DO YOU WANT AS YOUR LEADER in times of Despair?
Someone who tells you to