January 10, 2011
Islam Eclipses The Church of England
Muslim Conquest of Britain Nears Completion
Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

A study by of the Centre for Migration Policy Research at Swansea University shows that thousands of Britons are converting to Islam every year – with more women becoming Muslims than men.

The research suggests that the numbers converting to the religion has doubled by 2010 from the 60,669 converts in 2001.

The average age of the Muslim converts is 27.5, with 520,0o0 Brits becoming Muslims in the past 12 months.

A detailed study by Swansea University for inter-faith think-tank Faith Matters, suggests that despite an often negative portrayal of Islam in the media, more people are adopting the religion each year.

Kevin Brice, the director of the study, says that 56% of converts to Islam were white British, with 62% being female.

Presently, according to the London Times, the Islamic population of Great Britain exceeds 2.4 million.

The Daily Mail contends that more than 25% of the British Muslims visit a mosque at least once a week.

By contrast, Paul Richardson, Assistant Bishop of Newcastle, maintains that less than 1% of the 18 million Christians who belong to the Church of England attend Sunday services. “At this rate,â€