25 most influential media liberals

Friday January 23, 2009
Categories: Liberalism, Media

Forbes surveys makes a list. (Find it on http://www.forbes.com/2009/01/22/influe ... beral.html).

It takes a while to make it through their slideshow, so if you only want to see the list, I've put it together for you after the jump here. But it's worth watching the slideshow to read their commentary on each entry, e.g., this about Andrew Sullivan (No. 1:

A granddaddy of Washington blogging and a former editor of The New Republic, he clings unconvincingly to the "conservative" label even after his fervent endorsement of Obama. His advocacy for gay marriage rights and his tendency to view virtually everything through a "gay" prism puts him at odds with many on the right.

List without commentary after the jump. Did they forget anybody in your opinion?

25. Michael Pollan
24. Kurt Andersen
23. Kevin Drum
22. Ezra Klein
21. James Fallows
20. Gerald Seib (Wall Street Journal Washington correspondent)
19. Andrew Sullivan
18. Glenn Greenwald
17. Hendrik Hertzberg
16. Matthew Yglesias
15. Maureen Dowd
14. Christopher Hitchens
13. Bill Moyers
12. Chris Matthews
11. Fareed Zakaria
10. Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (Kos)
9. David Shipley (NYTimes op-ed editor)
8. Joshua Micah Marshall
7. Rachel Maddow
6. Oprah Winfrey
5. Jon Stewart
4. Thomas Friedman
3. Fred Hiatt (WaPo editorial page editor)
2. Arianna Huffington
1. Paul Krugman

http://blog.beliefnet.com/crunchycon/20 ... -libe.html