Banking Cartel CRASH Consequences, Gold and Silver Investor Opportunities & Threats

/ Gold and Silver 2010
Aug 27, 2010 - 12:16 PM

By: DeepCaster_LLC

“…US Treasury data show that China has cut its holdings of Treasury debt by roughly $100 billion (L65 billion) over the past year to $844 billion…

Two epochal forces are colliding in the global bond market: core deflation is gathering force but the West is losing sovereign credibility just as fast.

Arch-bear Albert Edwards at Societe Generale advises clients to prepare for a violent policy swing from one extreme to the other. First we deflate into the abyss: Then we inflate hard rates to get out again. At some point the "euthanasia of the rentier" will wear off. Misjudge the sequence at your peril.â€