Kennedy Health Care bill, Exploitation and Manipulation of Kennedy’s death

Ted Kennedy will now be the next rocket to cram Government health care through

By Dr. Laurie Roth
Thursday, August 27, 2009

It didn’t take but moments after Senator Kennedy died that Pelosi and others started talking about the resurrected health care bill they plan to push. Now, magically, it will be the Kennedy Health Care bill. These jokers can’t wait 30 seconds before the exploitation and manipulation of Kennedy’s passing links to all the Democrat’s exploits, causes and bills.

Certainly no one with any manners on the right or decency will go against the memory of this suffering Senator who died of brain cancer and served his country as a Senator for over 46 years will they? We wouldn’t dare complain or say anything critical would we? “Quick! Just as soon as congress gets back, cram this health care bill through. We will call it the Kennedy Bill.â€