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  1. #1
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
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    Feb 2005

    Smart Meters Video - 'It will no longer be America'


    Smart Meters

    VIDEO: ... ded#at=250

    FROM: Certified U.S. Postal Mail #....
    Energy Customer's Name
    Street Address
    City State Zip

    Energy Provider
    Street Address
    City State Zip

    Date of letter


    Dear (Energy Provider) and all agents, officers, employees, contractors and interested parties,

    If you intend to install a "Smart Meter" or any activity monitoring device at the above address, you and all other parties are hereby denied consent for installation and use of all such device on the above property and installation and use of any activity monitoring device is hereby refused and prohibited. Informed consent is legally required for installation of any surveillance device and any device that will collect and transmit private and personal data to undisclosed and unauthorized parties for undisclosed and unauthorized purposes. Authorization for sharing of personal and private information may only be given by the originator and subject of that information. That authorization is hereby denied and refused with regard to the above property and all its occupants. "Smart Meters" violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors:
    1. They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
    2. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
    3. They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
    4. Data about occupant's daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data.
    5. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
    6. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
    7. "Smart Meters" are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
    8. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain "Smart Meter" data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.
    9. Your company has not adequately disclosed the particular recording and transmission capabilities of the smart meter, or the extent of the data that will be recorded, stored and shared, or the purposes to which the data will and will not be put.

    I forbid, refuse and deny consent of any installation and use of any monitoring, eavesdropping, and surveillance devices on my property, my place of residence and my place of occupancy. That applies to and includes "Smart Meters" and activity monitoring devices of any and all kinds. Any attempt to install any such device directed at me, other inhabitants, guests, my property or residence will constitute trespass, stalking, wiretapping and unlawful surveillance, all prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil complaints. All persons, government agencies and private organizations responsible for installing or operating monitoring devices directed at or recording my activities, which I have not specifically authorized in writing, will be fully liable for any violations, intrusions, harm or negative consequences caused or made possible by those devices whether those negative consequences are justified by "law" or not..

    This is legal notice. After this delivery the liabilities listed above may not be denied or avoided by parties named and implied in this notice.

    Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. All rights reserved.


    Name of energy user and/or customer

    Source: ... ded#at=250
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  2. #2
    Senior Member HAPPY2BME's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters

    VIDEO: ... r_embedded

    In this invitational presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society consulting engineer Rob States explains how PG&E's so-called 'smart' meters work and why they endanger health and privacy. He asks the obvious question, "Why would you trust the company that brought you Prop. 16?"
    For more info:
    Join our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & to secure US borders by joining our E-mail Alerts at

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