September 17, 2009 5:51 PM
Democrats, media gloss over Obama's corruption

Sept. 14 — To the Editor:

On Sept. 2 (letters), Mr. Gary Ellmer asked the question, "Why did Obama give a Brazilian oil company $2 billion?"

It is notable that none of the Seacoast's leftists cared or dared to answer the question. The major networks ignored the story after it was revealed by the Wall Street Journal. Not even a peep from the major news networks or newspapers. Hmmm? At the time, it was rather curious! Well, now there is an answer but one that the leftist crowd seeks to avoid as it gives the lie to the current administration and those who so slavishly support it.

Everyone knows how ardently Obama and the Democratic Party opposes offshore oil exploration in fear of despoiling the ocean's ecosystem, imagined by most environmentalists. That's why there is no new drilling for oil off the North American coastline as it is blocked by the Democratic Party.

We also know how ardent the lefties are of reducing the emissions from carbon based fuels into the atmosphere, believing it raises global temperatures due to CO2 emissions, which is the result of burning this type of fuel.

The Brazilian field's capacity is estimated at 50 billion to 80 billion barrels. More available fuel results in more combustion, which also means more carbon emissions and the resulting belief that global temperature will rise in consequence. We also know how the lefties want to reduce our reliance on oil by strewing windmills across the landscape, a dubious replacement for the current oil fired electrical generation.

So again, why would the "Messiah" give billions of dollars, (possibly up to $10 billion that we don't really have), to Brazil to do all the things that we aren't allowed to do off our own coasts for all of the above stated reasons? Is the ocean off the Brazilian coast any less precious than ours? Is the air over Brazil any less subject to warming due to green house gasses? Won't the world's nations rush to use the available fuel when it comes on line, resulting in more carbon emissions? What would move Obama to break with his now silent and acquiescent environmentalist friends and do what we aren't allowed to do here?

The U.S. money was loaned to the Brazilian state-controlled consortium, Petrobras. The Brazilian Socialist Workers Party holds 40 percent of the company's net worth. Now enters George Soros, reputed to be the world's 11th richest man and major financial contributor to the DNC and other radical leftist organizations such as ACORN,, and the Center for American Progress, headed by Clinton former chief of staff John Podesta, who also has been a key adviser to Obama.

Soros's charity, the Open Society Institute, in 2007, gave CAP $1.75 million and approved added grants of $1.25 million. Mr. Soros, also a hedge fund investor, was convicted in 2002 in France for insider trading for which he was fined $2.3 million, a decision upheld on appeal in a French court in 2006.

Question: Is it a coincidence that Obama backer George Soros repositioned himself in Petrobras to get dividends just a few days before Obama committed $2 billion in loans and guarantees for Petrobras' offshore operations? Even more interesting is the fact that the Soros hedge fund reported no holdings in Petrobras shares at the end of the first quarter of 2009. Apparently, left wing Brazilian oil is less polluting than U.S. coastal deposits?

The stench from this hypocritical and corrupt administration ought to be absolutely nauseating to any fair-minded and honest citizen, but you won't hear nary a squeal from the Democratic, Obama-adoring sycophants. Does the Martha Stewart conviction ring a bell in your addled brains? Shame on you! Shame on you!

Gary D. Hubbard

Eliot, Maine