Krauthammer: Healthcare Law Is 'Whatever Exists In Obama's Head'

Mike Miller | On 13, Feb 2014

Charles Krauthammer, syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor, said on Wednesday’s “Special Report” that ObamaCare “law” exists only in Barack Obama’s head.
“Remember how Democrats were complaining that when Republicans were trying to overturn ObamaCare, it was somehow unpatriotic because it was an attack on the law of the land. This law of the land doesn’t even exist. It exists in Obama’s head. It’s whatever he thinks, he wakes up in the morning and decides what the law is going to be.”
It might not be a problem for folks who live in Cloud Cuckoo Land, but for serious people who respect the nation’s laws and expect that they be followed by everyone — including our politicians — Dr. Krauthammer’s comment “that’s not the way it is supposed to work” is truly an understatement.