NIA Predicts A Rise Of A Libertarian Third Party This Year

March 2, 2010
by Personal Liberty News Desk

Although some conservatives appear disconcerted about the rise of congressman Ron Paul’s (R-Texas) popularity, the National Inflation Association has suggested his anti-Fed and pro-gold standard stance is striking a cord with many Americans.

NIA representatives have said they were thrilled that Paul won the past weekend’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) straw poll of potential Republican candidates in the next presidential election.

"Ron Paul’s win at CPAC demonstrates that the libertarian movement is beginning and NIA members are at the forefront of it," the organization said in a statement, adding that one of the its top predictions for 2010 was that America will see a move towards a libertarian third party.

NIA also said that out of the 534 members of Congress in Washington, Paul is the only one who understands that inflation, fueled by interest rate decisions made by the Federal Reserve and enabled by the fiat money system, is the biggest threat to America’s economy and its future.

"Without the Federal Reserve, Washington would be forced to live within its means and all Americans would enjoy a higher standard of living," according to the organization. ... -19635642/