ACLU, Defenders of Islamists, Demanding Catholic Hospitals Perform Abortions

by Lisa Graas
Posted on December 23 2010 3:00 pm

Lisa Graas has worn many hats in the pro-life movement including crisis pregnancy counselor, youth speaker and legislative consultant. Lisa is also an experienced apologist for the Catholic Faith, a Passionist Oblate Associate and has served as a group leader for Catholics with mental illness. She is a lifelong Kentuckian and mother of four.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is pushing anew its long-standing claim that Catholic hospitals must be forced to perform abortions. The latest demand comes in the wake of a decree by Bishop Thomas Olmsted that St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix can no longer be considered a Catholic hospital because it rejects Catholic teaching on life issues. Olmsted, who receives kudos from the Catholic faithful for boldness in standing for authentic Catholic healthcare, has become the ACLU‘s latest “demonâ€