The End Of The Inflation Deflation Debate

By Silver Shield, on October 4th, 2011

For years I have watched guys on both sides of this debate spend countless hours debating over the future of our money. The latest is a long debate with Chris Martenson (Inflation) and Automatic Earth (Deflation). I would like to throw my hat in the ring, but in a much different way than most are used to.

Most arguments are are controlled in a Hegelian Dialectic. This controls debate between only two choices that two sides passionately debate about, never looking outside of the dialectic to another answer. This is most obvious with the Republican/Democrat debate in the US. These Dialectics usually offer two false choices that keep you in stuck with the same fundamental paradigm/problem. (This is why nothing changes in Washington.) Another Hegelian Dialectic is brewing with this Occupy Wall St, that wants a stronger Washington to beat those “badâ€