In the hullaballoo over whether Bush really said whether or not there was a link between Saddam and 9/11, in the run-up to the Iraq War, an impeachable offense, we can all stop arguing.

The Authorization to Use Force Against Iraq REQUIRED Bush to certify a link between Saddam and 9/11:
–"I have also determined that the use of armed force against Iraq is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001." -George Bush, certification to Congress to authorize the use of force in Iraq, March 23, 2003
"Armed force against Iraq is consistent with"...actions against...nations...who...aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11," is what that sentence reads, with the lawyerly gobbledygook stripped out. In other words, Saddam "aided" 9/11.

Did he lie? Forgery or no forgery, on Sept. 18, 2003, on Meet the Press, Bush said:
–"No, we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September the 11th.
Stop the presses. Do not pass go. Either Saddam "aided" the attacks on 9/11, or he didn't. That requires impeachment proceedings, for something a heck of a lot more important than lipstick on underwear. No "plausible deniability" here.

Congress and Fox newscasters may not be paying attention to these plain, simple facts, but historians certainly will. And historians will label us The Dumbest Generation for our grandchildren. Ron Suskind's alleged forgery may be ADDITIONAL evidence that Bush lied us into war, but it isn't by a looong shot the only evidence.

One of the most commonly-heard refrains from naysayers on impeachment is: It's already August. There is no time.

This is flatly wrong. Yes, it is late in the term, and unusual at this point to punish a president's crimes. What is more unusual is the sheer magnitude and number of the crimes of this president, which demands impeachment if not war crimes trials later. It took Nixon less than a week-and-a-half to resign after the House Judiciary Committee adopted a single article of impeachment, on obstruction of justice. Bush ordering members of his administration, like Karl Rove, to defy subpoenas is obstruction of justice, and is alone enough to impeach. There is time aplenty. The missing ingredient is political will.

Were the Judiciary to convene hearings on two articles related to the above, and be forced to take a vote, the phones would start ringing off the hooks from Republican voters, Democratic voters, and everyone in between. Go to a few conservative websites like those concerned with illegal immigration, and search "impeachment." The dynamics of the "votes aren't there" will change once people find out that something is in the works.

The truth is, the Congress has no clothes on impeachment. This is one of those cases in which the biggest obstacle to understanding how something can happen's too easy. What isn't easy is putting the fear of God into congressmen who want to keep their jobs, in order to force them to do the right thing. But it can be done. One real effective way is to go through their corporate campaign contributors and email them that you will not be buying whatever they are selling as long as they give money to this treasonous congressman who won't do his duty to impeach. Then copy the email to your treasonous congress-critter. These people are nothing without the money behind them, so we're going after the money. The language everyone understands.

Some have the impression that these kinds of historic events are a long, drawn out process. They are not always. Remember when the Berlin Wall fell? The fall of tyrants tends to unfold quickly. One minute the news is inflation and gas prices, then suddenly you are watching people with pieces of the Wall dancing and cheering on television. The Wall was the one stone cold reality in the world that would never change, and suddenly, it's down. It all happened so fast it made your head spin! That's what impeachment will be like, if we keep up the pressure, and double it, and double it again, now.

Find out who gives money to your congressman.

Links to major campaign contributors to members of the House Judiciary Committee