Opt Out of Obamacare and RHINOcare, Before the Government Mandates

ObamaCare -or- RHINOcare WILL Pass Unless We Kill-It-Dead NOW!

What you do NOW will determine whether you will retain the right to choose or be forced into government healthcare under penalty of a HUGE FINE.

Before you know it, unless WE rise up in opposition to the so-called healthcare reform bills now making their way through the Congress, a trip to the doctor will resemble a trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles and your every action and lifestyle will be put under scrutiny and surveillance by the total healthcare information awareness snoops.

Unless you make it unambiguously clear to your Senators and Members of Congress immediately that the witches' brew on healthcare they cooking up on Capitol Hill is totally unacceptable, a bunch of government bureaucrats will soon have to certify your health insurance policy before you can legally purchase it. Bureaucrats will set prices for every medical service, treatment, procedure and drug, and the I.R.S. will collect the FINES up to $3,800 per family of those who do not comply.

The National ObamaCare Opt Out (NOOO!) Registry (fashioned after the Do Not Call Registry) provides citizens a convenient way to express their opposition to the prospect of government taking control of their healthcare decisions. But it does more than that; it also harnesses that individual opposition into a powerful and effective political instrument that amplifies and focuses that opposition like a laser beam directed right at Congress and the White House.

It will be only a very short time before healthcare bureaucrats will ration care, deciding who gets what care, when and under what circumstances they may receive it. It will be illegal to circumvent these government controls and restrictions, and it wouldn’t be long before any attempt to do so by patients and doctors would be prosecuted as a criminal conspiracy. And, the system will be under such financial stress from the outset that unauthorized treatment will be considered unreported taxable income by the IRS, turning recipients of private charitable healthcare into Al Capones in the eyes of revenue agents.

What is RHINOcare (Republican Healthcare in Name Only)

Yesterday, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) released details of his healthcare plan that would impose fines of up to $3,800 on a family that refuses to purchase health insurance.

Although this plan is being introduced by a top-ranking Democrat, the framework of the program is shaping up to be very similar to the Republican-designed blue print the GOP already foisted on the nation under the Medicare Part D prescription drugs program.

There is, consequently, good reason for the White House to remain optimistic about achieving a "bipartisan compromise." The President's Senate operatives are embracing Republican thinking and going over to the Red Side to entice GOP Senators to join in the healthcare takeover:

The plan from Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana would make families who don't sign up recieve hefty fines, starting at $750 a year for individuals and $1,500 for families. For those who earn more than three times the poverty level and refuse to purchase insurance, the penalty on individuals would jump to $950 and the penalty on families would jump to $3,800.

Senator Baucus says he is hoping his plan can win bipartisan support. And, why not? Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) is known to be secretly negotiating with the White House to impose just such a mandate. Senator Chuck Grassley already stated publically that he, and many in his party, support imposing a mandate on individuals to purchase healthcare. To wit: Four other Republicans (Bennett, Alexander, Crapo and Graham) already (co)sponsor a bill (S. 391, Wyden-Bennett) the central organizing principle of which is a government mandate.

The practical ramifications of the Baucus bill would give bureaucrats control over all aspects of health insurance. It would virtually destroy the Doctor-Patient relationship. The Obama pledge that patients can keep their insurance is a blatant mistruth. RHINOcare does nothing to mitigate the damage of Obamacare.

That says it all. ObamaCare AND RHINOcare will undermine the ethical foundation of medicine and destroy best system of medical care in the world just so government can take it over and run it according to its own lights. It is hard to imagine a more outrageous act of hubris or an act of greater stupidity than to think bureaucrats can run the healthcare system. It can’t even run the post office.

Do not be fooled - A Health Insurance Cooperative Plan is the Public Option by another name.

Please don’t be misled by the innocuous-sounding bureaucratic jargon and mumbo jumbo being used to describe ObamaCare AND RHINOcare. It will place a legion of bureaucrats and government controls between doctors and patients. In the process, ObamaCare AND RHINOcare will corrupt the souls of healers and patients alike as the life-and-death struggle in which they will be forced to engage with bureaucrats to obtain timely and quality medical care turns everyone into a criminal. Back alley medicine will become a mainstay of America just the way it did in the Soviet Union.

Corruption, bribery, deception, black markets and favoritism were the hallmarks of Soviet medicine. They are all coming to America with ObamaCare AND RHINOcare. If you have any doubt of the enormous wedge ObamaCare AND RHINOcare will drive between patients and doctors, just take another look at the attached chart that shows the bureaucratic barriers that will stand between them under ObamaCare AND RHINOcare.

We can stop ObamaCare and RHINOcare dead in its tracks if enough of you show Congress your outrage at what is being proposed. There will be plenty of time to come back later, when the economy is stronger and fix the real problems that exist with the current healthcare system without destroying it. There is no emergency, and the hype and hysteria the Obama Administration has stirred up is pure demagoguery designed to scare the American people into turning healthcare over to the government to run.

Select Below to Tell Congress OPT ME OUT OF OBAMACARE & RHINOcare!
Join the National ObamaCare Opt Out (NOOO) Registry!


For More information visit: http://patientoptout.com

Defend America,

Lawrence A. Hunter, Ph.D.
Social Security Institute
15 Culpeper St.
Warrenton VA, 20187

P.S. Please forward this email to EVERYONE that cares about this country.

The Social Security Institute (SSI) is a national, 501(c)(4) non-profit, non-partisan seniors’ advocacy organization working to promote the retirement security of today’s seniors and the seniors of tomorrow. SSI’s top policy priorities are to stop the raid on the Social Security Trust Funds, prevent cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits, and protect seniors from health care rationing and other limitations on their access to health care.

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