Chris Rufo’s new exposé links “transgender empire” back to large-scale medical experiments in a Detroit ghetto

07/14/2023 // News Editors // 1.1K Views

Tags: badhealth, badscience, Chris Rufo, culture wars, deep state, detroit, evil, fake science, gay mafia, gender, gender confused, identity politics, insanity, junk science, leftcult, LGBT, medical experiments, propaganda, real investigations, research, social justice, The Ruth Ellis Center, transgenderism, transhumanism, Twisted

The always amazing and insightful investigative journalist Christopher Rufo is back at it. This time he’s made a mini-film exposé on the origins of the transgender empire. It’s a fascinating and chilling walk through a short history that has led us to where we are today: fending off one of the greatest assaults on the U.S. (and world) population we’ve seen in a long time.
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Chris starts the journey by explaining how the entire “transgender movement” came about in the 80s when some intellectuals got together and wrote a book that claimed gender was a social construct designed to keep minorities down and empower white males. They believed that if a man could become a woman, and a woman could become a man, then the entire construction of “creation” could be toppled. These intellectuals also see the new “trans movement” as the foundation of their progressive Marxist movement.
In addition, Chris explains how over the years, some of the wealthiest people in America have heavily funded the trans movement. But one of the most disturbing elements in Chris’s mini-film involves the medical experiments conducted in a Detroit ghetto, specifically at a place called “The Ruth Ellis Center.” This center is considered the epicenter for transgender “science,” and the activities taking place there are more ghastly than you could ever imagine.
The transgender movement has conquered America life. In a new short film, I explain how the movement gained power and connect the dots between its key intellectuals, billionaire benefactor, and large-scale medical experiments in a Detroit ghetto.
This is the transgender empire:
— Christopher F. Rufo ?? (@realchrisrufo) July 12, 2023
This is a must-watch for anybody out there who wants to fight for the children, and the soul of this nation.
The unsettling aspect of this movement is that it’s been subtly crafted for decades. Unbeknownst to us, the workers have been busy laying the groundwork to unleash this movement. Now, thanks to us losing focus once again, this diabolical, violent, and disturbing movement has created a sophisticated ideological pipeline that involves money, politicians, corporations, healthcare, and education. However, all of that aside, now that we’re aware of the monster, we must fight it, but it’s crucial to understand its massive scale, so we can find the most effective way to take it down. Chris’s mini-movie is a good first step.
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Chris Rufo’s new exposé links “transgender empire” back to large-scale medical experiments in a Detroit ghetto –