Tased for speeding in Utah.

Man was not tased for speeding, he was tased for not following the officers orders and it could have been much worse considering the man’s actions when the put his hands in the pockets and walked toward the car. Obviously the man could not see and could not hear because the officer immediately that he was being ticketed for speeding.
The office was right. The man should have signed the ticket, went to court and fought it. He was wrong to question the officer at that time. There was no way, after they had passed the speeding sign that the officer was required to take him backwards, find the sign to appease him. Sign was there.
The man was threatening when the refused to sign the ticket, when the put him hands in his pocket and walked back to the car as if he was leaving. At that time the officer had ever right to tase him and bring the condition under control.
Too many officers have lost their because things were not brought under control sooner.
It is possible that the man did not see the sign, but the officer was not required to argue the point with him at that time.The time to question the officer is in traffic court.
Man, by his actions, was being threatening and the officer had a right to use force before it got out of hand and the child should never gotten out of the car, because it is distraction to the officer doing his job.
Wife should have been arrested also.

Driver Tased For Asking Officer Why He Was StoppedMan who refused to sign speeding ticket because he did not understand what it was is tased and arrested by officer who then refused to read him his rights

Steve Watson
Wednesday, Nov 21, 2007

A man was tased and arrested on a Utah highway after being stopped by an officer and refusing to sign a speeding ticket because he did not understand what offence he had committed or why he had been pulled over.
The encounter, captured on the police car camera on September 14th and released this week, is the latest in a long string of incidents involving the unacceptable use of Tasers by officers on citizens whom the evidence reveals are in no way threatening, acting unlawfully or resisting co-operation.

The video shows the Utah Highway Patrolman pull over Jared Massey and his pregnant wife who also had their baby with them in the car and ask for Mr Massey's license.

Wrong. Officer informed him the he was being ticketed for speeding.

Mr Massey tells the officer he does not understand why he has been stopped or what he is being charged with, at which point the officer orders Massey to get out of the car. The officer then puts down his clipboard and immediately takes out his Taser and points it at Mr Massey without any provocation whatsoever, yelling "Turn around and put your hands behind your back" as Massey attempts to point out the speed limit sign and engage the officer in conversation

A shocked Massey asks "what the hell is wrong with you?" and backs away, turning around as the officer had demanded, at which point the officer unleashes 50,000 volts from the Taser into Massey's body, sending him screaming to the ground instantly and causing his wife to jump out of the car and yell hysterically for help.

Lying face down on the ground a shell shocked, Mr Massey says "officer I don't know what you are doing, I don't know why you are doing what you are doing" to which the officer replies "I am placing you under arrest because you did not obey my instruction."
1. Mr Massey then once again asks the officer several times why he was stopped and what he is being charged with. He then asks for his rights to be read and points out that the officer cannot arrest him without doing this. Instead of reading Massey his rights the officer then addresses another patrolman who arrives on the scene sardonically commenting "Ohhh he took a ride with the Taser" to which the other officer answers "painful isn't it".
The icing on the cake comes at the end of the video when the officer LIES to his own colleague about the encounter, clearly stating that he verbally warned Massey he was going to tase him, as is the law, when there was no warning whatsoever.

Mr Massey is planning to file a lawsuit against the Utah Highway Patrol. He says he was already slowing down as he approached the 40 mile per hour sign in the construction zone outside of vernal. All charges except for the speeding ticket have been dropped.
This amazing video reveals how eroded civil and constitutional rights have now become. The officer had no legal right to make Massey sign any document he did not understand
Tasers are supposed to be the last response before lethal action, however, police now use them as if they are batons or pepper spray.
In the last year over 300 people have died in admitted cases in the US alone from being tased. In the last week alone we have posted three separate stories of Taser deaths. Every week we post stories of incidents, which often feature old women, children and disabled people as the victims. The weapons are even being used in schools.
The police are now trained that "pain compliance," a euphemism for torture, is acceptable in apprehending anyone even if that person poses no physical danger. If you electrify any person, they suffer extreme pain and stand a high chance of being killed.
Despite this, idiotic media hacks such as Fox News host Brian Kilmead are happy to promote police state tactics, selling the idea that protestors or people that merely question authority in any way are threatening and should be tased or "beaten to a pulp".
This phenomenon is out of control, how many more acts of wanton police brutality, torture and death by means of tasering are we to endure?
Taser use is being abused by police all over the country and beyond as cops are trained that torture is a perfectly acceptable response to somebody who acts out of the ordinary, asks the wrong question or refuses to show their papers.
http://infowars.net/articles/november20 ... 7Tased.htm