Defeating the Big Lie

by Baron Bodissey

Our Czech correspondent Lugundum has written previously about immigration issues in the Czech Republic. His latest email concerns the wider issue of immigration throughout the continent of Europe and in the rest of the Western world, and what it portends for the countries affected by it:

Dear Baron,

Due to lack of time and the impossibility of reacting to readers’ comments, and from the need to address our situation in a more complex way, I have decided to write you this mail in which I have taken on the issue from different angle. I hope you will find it worthy to read and maybe to post on you website.

It seems that my mail on the situation in the Czech Republic instigated some discussions from which I learned how bad the situation is in Sweden, and since that time new interesting articles on the situation in Spain and France have been posted. I think this is an ideal opportunity to address another reason why our countries are suffering from an unprecedented level of immigration and consequent decay that kills our civilization.

Whilst we all are aware of far-left and left ideologists in socialist and green parties throughout the continent, the role of “center-rightâ€