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Rep. King: Probe ACORN's Financial 'Spiderweb'

Tuesday, June 2, 2009 8:24 PM
By: David A. Patten

Iowa GOP Congressman Steve King is calling for simultaneous FBI and congressional investigations into what he calls a "spiderweb" of shadowy financial and business relationships linked to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

"With ACORN, it's pervasive," King tells Newsmax, referring to criminal allegations and malfeasance leveled at ACORN's low-income, voter-registration operation. "It's everywhere. It's 12 or 14 states where there are investigations going on for voter registration [fraud].

"ACORN has admitted to … around 400,000 fraudulent voter-registration forms being introduced. They claim they don't hire people on commission, but they do hire people on commission," King tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview.

King says ACORN has over 270 corporate affiliates and business units that have received more than $53 million in federal tax dollars. Recent stimulus legislation, he tells Newsmax, could give the organization access up to $8.5 billion.

According to a recent Fox News report, over 250 nonprofit groups list ACORN's New Orleans headquarters as their address. One of those groups is Citizens Services Inc., which received $800,000 from the Obama administration in return for a get-out-the-vote program during last year's campaign.

Although King charges that ACORN is "in the business of electing Democrats," he says its impact transcends politics. He tells Newsmax the organization has intimidated bank executives into making risky mortgage loans to people who shouldn't have received them, adding that is "a contributing factor, I believe, to this financial meltdown that we have."

King, who has represented Iowa's fifth congressional district since 2002, describes ACORN as "an organization that erodes the integrity of the election process," adding: "I believe it has completely the face of a criminal enterprise, and it should be thoroughly investigated by Congress and the Department of Justice. And it should happen simultaneously."

Although King says ACORN is responsible for "hundreds of thousands of fraudulent voter registration forms," the type of investigation he wants would go far beyond current state and FBI investigations for alleged voter fraud. Rather, it would look into the interlocking financial connections between ACORN and its affiliate organizations.

To date, there have been four post-election prosecutions by state authorities involving ACORN. All focus on voter fraud rather than finances.

"We need to do a lot more. We cannot let them bring down our election process," King tells Newsmax.

In the exclusive Newsmax interview, King also addressed the controversy surrounding House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's allegations that the CIA lied in stating she had been briefed on "enhanced interrogation" methods, such as water-boarding.

He says Pelosi's security clearance should be withdrawn until her assertions can either be verified or disproven.

King says the controversy stirred up by Pelosi's assertion "puts our national security at risk," because the CIA and 14 other U.S. security agencies no longer can have the "level of trust" they need to liaison effectively with the Speaker of the House. King blames this on Pelosi's "wild allegations."

He also points out that the speaker follows only the vice-president in the order of succession, should anything happen to the president.

See Video: Rep. Steve King discusses his probe into ACORN - Click Here Now ... 5086840001 ... 20811.html