Thursday, January 13, 2011 10:21 PM

Business Owners Blast IL Tax Hikes;Quinn's Blatant Lies;Neighboring States Gleeful, Mayor Daley Whines;Escape to Wisconsin; Arrogance,Greed,Corruption

Tax insanity in Illinois is now official. Governor Pat Quinn signed off on a 67% hike in personal income taxes and a 46% hike in corporate taxes the moment the bill hit his desk.

The personal income tax rate immediately rises to 5 percent, up from 3 percent. The corporate income tax rate rises immediately to 7 percent, up from 4.8 percent. ... 8614.story The Chicago Tribune reports Quinn, House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton — all Chicago Democrats — muscled the tax hike through in the eleventh hour of the lame-duck legislature. Only Democrats voted for the bills.

In contrast to virtually every other state in the nation, Quinn has made no mention of any cuts in services or any givebacks by public unions. Mayor Daley is largely responsible. Any comments from Daley regarding tax hikes would have cost Quinn the election. Instead, Mayor Daley is whining now.

Quinn's Blatant Lies

The Daily Herald notes that On the campaign trail, Gov. Pat Quinn told voters he'd veto any income tax hike that would raise Illinois' rate over 4 percent. ... z1AyWSimxG

I believe this is one of the fastest proven lies political history.

Escape to Wisconsin

Newly elected Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker makes some hay of Illinois' 66% income tax hike with a succinct message 'Escape to Wisconsin' ... ml?showall

Wisconsin is open for business. In these challenging economic times while Illinois is raising taxes, we are lowering them. On my first day in office I called a special session of the legislature, not in order to raise taxes, but to open Wisconsin for business. Already the legislature is taking up bills to provide tax relief to small businesses, to create a job-friendly legal environment, to lessen the regulations that stifle growth and to expand tax credits for companies that relocate here and grow here. Years ago Wisconsin had a tourism advertising campaign targeted to Illinois with the motto, ‘Escape to Wisconsin.’ Today we renew that call to Illinois businesses, ‘Escape to Wisconsin.’ You are welcome here. Our talented workforce stands ready to help you grow and prosper.

Neighboring States Gleeful, Mayor Daley Whines

The LA Times reports Neighboring states gleeful over Ill. tax increase

While many states consider boosting their economies with tax cuts, Illinois officials are betting on the opposite tactic: dramatically raising taxes to resolve a budget crisis that threatened to cripple state government.

"It's like living next door to 'The Simpsons' -- you know, the dysfunctional family down the block," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels said in an interview on Chicago's WLS-AM.

Illinois state Sen. Dan Duffy, a Republican, labeled the tax increase "the nuclear bomb of jobs bills."

There was even some carping from Illinois Democrats. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley predicted jobs will start trickling out of Illinois with little fanfare.

"Businesses don't have press conferences like this and announce they're moving 50 people out, 60 people out, 70 people," Daley said at an event in Chicago.

Oak Lawn Business Owners on Edge

The OakLawnPatch reports Business Owners on Edge About New Tax Hikes ... -tax-hikes

As state lawmakers prayed, celebrated a new gubernatorial inauguration and passed historic tax increases this week, Oak Lawn entrepreneurs and independent businesses prayed that they can keep their doors open another month in dismal economic landscape.

“Personally, I am only days, weeks away from closing the business as it is,â€