This is part of an article on Rush's web page:

....And carbon credits, ladies and gentlemen! They're one of the biggest scams to come down the pike in a long time, carbon credits. The creators of the carbon credit scheme are cashing in on it. The two creators of the carbon scheme are Maurice Strong and Al Gore. Now, the name Maurice Strong is not widely known in general public circles, but Maurice Strong is one of the wealthiest and most private manipulators of world politics. He was in charge of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Remember, we had a correspondent down there? The former Washington state governor, Dixie Lee Ray, went down there, and she had fallen out of favor with environmentalist wackos. Let me just give you a quote from Maurice Strong, who was heading up the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio:

“Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?”

In this little quote you have the encapsulation of the entire purpose of the global warming movement, or any liberal movement. Look at their enemies. They want to destroy Wal-Mart; they want to destroy Big Oil; now they're upset over Halliburton moving to Dubai. Sheila Jackson Lee yesterday, she's all upset Halliburton is leaving because they're in her district. Hey, Sheila! Don't worry about it! Those are "jobs Americans won't do." Just get some more illegal immigrants in here and keep Halliburton fully populated in their remaining little office space in Houston. What's the big deal? Why the panic?

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" Maurice Strong, Algore's partner in the invention, the creation of the carbon offset scam.

Story is from the Canada Free Press. You have green money funding and when to bail out of stocks. The story is long. We'll try to link to it at so that you can see the whole thing.

So, if they want us to collapse, I wonder if these fools aren't somehow connected with the invasion of illegals? Both will surely knock us down!