[quote][b] The EU Puts Denmark on Trial

by Baron Bodissey

Henrik of Europe News alerted me to this article from yesterday’s Jyllands-Posten, and our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc has kindly translated it on short notice. The Danish constitutional crisis is advancing at breakneck speed, and Kepiblanc has this to say about the situation:

No to the EUSSR!Well, Baron, all this is revving up to a major crisis here with more and more people turning against PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen and his mismanagement of the whole affair. The Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti) — on which his government is dependent — openly talks about throwing him under the bus, thereby triggering general elections. If so, a major landslide is expected. Now all political parties — save the insignificant “Radical Leftâ€