Published on Sep 25, 2012 by OrganicSpies
Organic Spies conducted an undercover hidden camera sting of Whole Foods Market for selling unlabeled GMO foods.

This film shows why Whole Foods has given no money to Proposition 37, the California ballot initiative to label genetically engineered foods.

Whole Foods has sold unlabeled GMOs created by Monsanto for over a decade.

Operation:*Whole Foods Hidden Camera GMO Sting - Bait Organic, Switch to GMO - YouTube

A shocking new hidden camera video filmed at Whole Food stores is blowing the lid on what's being called a massive "bait and switch" deception.
Whole Foods employees are caught blatantly LYING about the GMOs sold by Whole Foods, a company whose products are 20% - 30% GMO, says the video.
Here's the stunning news and a link to the undercover "hidden camera" video:
Whole Foods knowingly engages in massive GMO deception, says undercover video by 'Organic Spies'