This from a man who orders
US citizens killed without trial

You have to wonder, seriously wonder, if this is a human being, or some kind of windup android who'll spout any line of bullshit not matter how obviously false, fraudulent, and preposterous.

What are the odds of the US ever getting its financial house in order with a President - and virtually every jackass in Congress - completely comfortable with the banks selling packages of fraudulently-created mortgages as AAA securities?

These clearly are the End Times.

What's not clear is the End Times for whom?

For a generation of sociopaths and the system that employs them or for the United States as we know it?

Because there is no way we can continue on this insane path without catastrophic repercussions one way or the other.

Today, from our sister site RealEcon TV, we have a video of
President Obama, who is a creature of Wall St. himself, proclaiming
that the '...banks broke no laws."

Mixing sub-prime mortgages into a derivatives package and giving it
a triple A credit rating is fraud. Is fraud no longer illegal?

Obama even squirms a little as he defends his buddies in banking,
almost as if the lies tasted foul coming out of his mouth.

Max Keiser breaks it down for us on the Keiser Report...

- Brasscheck