Department of Education have SWAT teams

More Dept. Of Education Stormtroopers: They Are Armed With Shotguns! (Seriously!)

- Warner Todd Huston Thursday, June 9, 2011
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Yesterday I wrote a short post on the story out of California that was initially reported as a local SWAT raid instigated by the Department of Education on a guy that hadn’t paid his student loans. Naturally I was outraged that the Dept. of Education had the power to arrange stormtroopers to batter down doors of people guilty only of not paying a loan on time. Since then a few particulars have changed.

Whereas the initial story claimed that the reason for the SWAT raid on the man’s home was unpaid student loans, the Dept. of Education released a statement that said this was not the case. “The Inspector General’s Office does not execute search warrants for late loan payments,â€