Thursday, August 9, 2012
Over 100 Million Americans Living on Welfare says New Report

Over 100 Million Living on Welfare in America ,Not counting social security, medicaid and many more.According to an excerpt from the committee’s new presentation, nearly one-in-three US residents receive government assistance — and that’s not even including those benefiting from Social Security or Medicare.well if their are no jobs, what else can you do ,the government made sure there are no jobs for Americans.

Thanks Bush Clinton Regan and Bush Sr. Nice job!

Take any product and you’ll read “Made in China” – that’s where the jobs went. Beside that more and more production is done by machines and robots.It was NAFTA and GATT that put the final nail in the coffin of the once great USA. We have been de-industrialized! That means the end of a thriving middle class! With such a large number of people receiving hand outs from the government is will be next to impossible to restore our nation. I’m not sure if welfare is a good thing – it keeps people silent in their poverty.

When the entitlements stop it will be Soviet style collapse in the good ‘ol USA.

An author who lived thru Soviet collapse said:
- no money for cops, had to let them go
- no money for prisons, had to release convicts
- no money for war, all soldiers home from Afghanistan

This made a large population of hungry people who only knew guns and killing.

He had three thugs move in with him as ‘house guests’.

However this was not the worst of all possibilities, because now he had an armed presence protecting his house.

This is all a deliberate plot to eventually take down USA and transfer its might ! All this bogus wars that we created and killed innocent lives in the name of pretend democracy will come and bite us all like that boomerang. What goes around comes around. Law of mother nature. When people fail to see who the real culprits are and continue living their delusional lives without ever thinking that every individual will have to be answerable for his or her actions to the highest authority, the creator of heaven’s and earth someday, and pretend everything is alright and be mighty arrogant with chanting USA ..USA whilst killing and destroying innocent lives and environment. It’s time to wake up before its too late.

Over 100 Million Americans Living on Welfare says New Report | Gerald Celente Trends Blog