A Look at Continental Congress 2009 | Print | E-mail
Written by Scott N. Bradley
Tuesday, 08 December 2009 08:00
During the final quarter of the 18th century, as tensions grew between England and her colonies here in America, the legislatures of 12 of the 13 colonies called the First Continental Congress and appointed delegates to attend the Congress. Initially, Georgia refrained from participation. The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in September 1774. The Second Continental Congress met in May 1775, in the shadow of the actions that occurred the previous month at Lexington and Concord. This Congress ultimately brought forth the Declaration of Independence and led the country through the Revolutionary War for Independence.

Most Americans would be shocked to hear that from November 11-22 another Continental Congress was held. Continental Congress 2009 (CC2009) promoted itself as an effort to “Defend, Not Amend the Constitution.â€