by Col. George W.
August 09, 2008 12:39 PM EDT
views: 89 | rating: 10/10 (6 votes) | comments: 26

We the people need to ask the candidates the right questions and get their commitment to the answers. What got the nation into the mess we are in right now?

Iraq could have been prevented as well as Afghanistan. We would not have a Corporite controlled Media. We would not have lost a lot of our freedoms. If not for Bush & Co.

Which candidate of the many promised to ask congress to Repeal the Patriot Act? How about the many acts that were the outgrowth of the Patriot Act? Which candidate promised to eliminate the War Powers Act, revoke the bill that Bush used to declare war on Iraq. Who promised to eliminate Homeland Security and all the regualtions they have imposed on us. What about Real ID?

Who says he will introduce legislation that limits Signing Statements and Executive Orders. Bush has used both to change laws and to create laws and agencies. Which one said he would see that the practice would be eliminate and fix it so no president could do that in the future?

Which candidate will reinstitute the restrictions on ownership of the Media.

Which candidate will eliminate multinational and interstate banks to take us back to the days when banks could not have branches in multiple states.

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