Wondering if anyone here is seeing increases in prices in any significant numbers in your portion of this country?

Right now, we can get a five pound bag of flour (store brand) for about $1.52 (I just went shopping). Local brand name vegetables for .58 cents a can, of course tomatoes are high, grain based products are holding steady yet. Talking grain prices, so far all meats have held their average prices, and the animal by-products such as milk and eggs, are no higher (well for us not at all, no egg buying is necessary, we are now making money on our egg surplus).

We keep hearing about increases in prices, but so far out here in the Pacific Northwest, we have not seen really any increases, and wonder if it is slow to make it's way over here?

Has anyone here been doing any kind of stocking up to use as a barrier to oncoming increases? Gardens? Raising livestock?