I wonder if he learned this at home... More Hollywood hypocrisy

The Racist Penn Family (Video)

by Kevin Jackson

(Warning: The language of the Left occurs in this video) According to the Left, YOU are the racist, right? Then why was 19 year old Hopper Penn, son of Sean Penn calling a photographer who really wasn’t doing much…unless cameras are now ASSAULT WEAPONS…except taking his picture. “Little Penn” exposed the overbelly of racism with Liberals, who use black people to get their stupid ideas into the mainstream, but ultimately tell you what they think about blacks, and in this case GAYS!

Yes, Little Penn drop the 3-letter f-bomb, and then called the black photographer the N-word.

Father and son were going into a medical building, likely from something Father contracted from the sodomizing by Hugo Chavez, and they appeared to be in a bad mood.

Hopper later apologized for what his behavior, but not for being a racist homophobic son-of-an-anti-American dipstick. Little Hopper should not be in line for both NAACP and GLAAD awards soon.

The Racist Penn Family (Video) | The Black Sphere