Conservative Lady

Georgia Passes Huge Gun Rights Bill

Georgia Passes Huge Gun Rights Bill

Posted on 19 March, 2014 by Rick Wells

Last night, in a late night session, the Georgia Senate passed HB60, a significant piece of gun-rights legislation.
The bill had to take a circuitous route to reach the floor. In its original incarnation as HB875, Senate committees were successful in gutting the bill to a point of being useless before it reached the Senate floor. As a remedy, the House attached the full language of HB875 to a previously-approved HB860, which bypassed the committee process and allowed the bill to proceed directly to the senate floor.
The bill passed by a more than two to one margin of 37 – 18.
The bill addresses the issues of carrying firearms into bars, churches and government buildings as well as clarifying some language in the existing law. It also streamlines the carry permit renewal process.
An amendment added to the bill by the Senate allows for the use of suppressors during hunting as well as one requiring churches to “op- In” rather than the house preference of “opt-out.” That change will require the bill to return to the house and be approved by midnight Thursday. It would then head on to the governor’s office to be signed.
The possibility exists of a need for a conference committee to resolve the two Senate amendments if the House fails to accept the bill in the form the Senate passed.
The text of the bill has not yet been made available, but the message sent by its passage is of equal importance to the law itself. Americans have grown weary and wary of a government intent on making us defenseless.
Rick Wells is a conservative Constitutionalist author who contributes to conservative media outlets. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter.