Georgia used US and Ukrainian mercenaries in its aggression against South Ossetia

Front page / Hotspots and Incidents / Conflicts
15.08.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru

Russia has won the war in Georgia. US-based scientist of politics at Nixon Center, Dmitri Simes, told ITAR-TASS that Russia would now need to win the world in cooperation with the USA. The expert means that Russia currently needs to try to turn the past events in South Ossetia to advantage of US-Russian relations.

Ossetians, Abkhazians and members of other Causaian minorities living in Turkey hold posters of German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and Georgian President Mikhail Saakasvili with the words in Turkish that mean ' No difference' as they shout slogans outside Ge

Simes believes that it is a possible, albeit a hard goal to achieve. Simes is certain that no one in the US political establishment incited the Georgian president to invade South Ossetia. Saakashvili simply overestimated his own significance in Washington’s eyes and misinterpreted messages, which the US administration was sending him, the expert believes.

In its turn, America decided not to fall into Russia’s confidence, especially when Georgian troops retreated beyond South Ossetian borders. In addition, Washington wanted not to keep its front going after the debacle it suffered in foreign politics.

In the meantime, the presidents of the unrecognized republics of North and South Ossetia, Sergei Bagapsh and Eduard Kokoity, intend to strive for the international recognition of their small nations. In addition, they do not exclude that the two republics may become one some day in the future.

Bagapsh believes that they have excellent chances at this point, having referred to the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. However, the president reminded that neither North nor South Ossetia insisted on the international recognition of their independence after events in Kosovo.

S. Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity stated that Georgia used mercenaries from several countries during its aggression against his nation.

“There were many mercenaries from Ukraine and the Baltic states. We have found dead bodies of African Americans too,â€