Conservative Daily

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What are we gonna do about it?

3 Appalling Charts Give You A Closer Look At Just How Much Our Vets Were Mistreated By VA

They clearly deserve better than this...

3 Appalling Charts Give You A Closer Look At Just How Much Our Vets Were Mistreated By VA

10,216 Shares By Emily Hulsey 23 hours ago

We’ve spent the past few weeks hearing story after story about the horrendous ways vets have been treated by the VA – the very organization that was established to protect them.

But just how widespread is this scandal? Is it a system-wide problem, and, if so, why? To start answering these questions, we should first take a look at the numbers.

As you can see, the problem isn’t the amount of money that the government allocates to the Veterans Administration:

Despite the massive amount of taxpayer dollars going to the VA, veterans are not getting the healthcare services they need. One reason is that an unrealistically small fraction of the VA budget is actually allocated to veterans’ healthcare costs:

On top of the small amount spent on each veteran’s healthcare needs, they are subjected to ridiculous wait times that people who receive other government services just don’t have to deal with:

Only in the federal government can one manage to spend an exorbitant amount of money and see such unsettling results. And boosting the VA’s budget, which some Democrats have suggested, is not going to do anything but increase that disparity even further.

The numbers don’t lie; there is something essentially wrong with the way our government treats its veterans. The only question left is: “What should be done to fix it?”