ACORN Allies Scheme to Distract from Corruption Allegations

By Matthew Vadum
on 5.27.09 @ 11:35 PM

John Podesta's left-wing Center for American Progress Action Fund has invited many liberal and radical groups to a meeting Thursday morning to discuss how to use rhetorical misdirection to take the focus off ACORN's increasingly well publicized corruption. One of the groups, Alliance for Justice, is advertising the crisis management meeting called "Reframing the Attack on Voter Registration" on its website. The intrepid investigative journalist Kevin Mooney of the Washington Examiner reports

Nearly a dozen left-wing advocacy groups are meeting Thursday at the Center for American Progress (CAP) to discuss how to respond to a growing barrage of damaging news reports and editorial criticism of the Association of Community Organizers for Reform (NOW). The strategy meeting at the liberal think tank is being described as a “briefing and discussionâ€