County won't force permit on Bible study leaders

Code officer formally warned couple over meetings at home

By Helen Gao, Union-Tribune Staff Writer, Janine Zúñiga, Union-Tribune Staff Writer
2:00 a.m. May 30, 2009

David Jones, a pastor in National City, holds Bible study groups in his Bonita home. (Peggy Peattie / Union-Tribune) - Documents
San Diego County's April 14 code-enfocement warning against the Joneses' Bible study for a religious assembly lacking a permit

May 26 letter from the Joneses' lawyer, Dean Broyles, to the county

County Administrative Officer Walt Ekard's May 29 statement saying "the Bible studies will continue"

[quote]Tuesday letter from Dean Broyles, attorney for David and Mary Jones: “The Citation specifically orders the homeowner to 'cease/stop religious assembly' as opposed to all other types of assembly, such as holding secular (non-religious) meetings, parties or events. Therefore, pursuant to well-established legal precedent, the Order is not neutral because it specifically targets only religious meetings.â€