Gary Franchi
Restore The Republic!
202-904-2174 x801 x888 Â*

American's Rally to Support Tortured American

Washington, DC, 6/19/2008 - In an act of solidarity with tortured and imprisoned American, Scott Loper, the political activist group known as "Restore the Republic" has released an Action Alert instructing its 37000 member base to demand congressional hearings and a take hard look at the violations that took place while he was in the custody of Canadian Authorities.

"When one bleeds we all bleed, and until Bush gives the same attention to Loper as he gave Jose Medellin, America will continue to bleed." Says Gary Franchi, National Director of Restore the Republic! the activist organization founded by the late award winning Hollywood film producer Aaron Russo.

Franchi is instructing people in his organization and others to write letters to their Congressmen demanding congressional hearings.

"The halls of power are not in Washington, DC they are in the halls of your home. It is you who must take action, when our elected officials do not. No American is safe abroad unless the Vienna Convention is enforced internationally."

"When an American police officer is entombed in a steel coffin for months on end and only receives release when he is placed in a steel cage to be sprayed with steam until his skin blisters, and those we trust to give us justice choose to sweep it under the carpet there is a big problem that needs to be addressed."

"We demand this matter be brought to light for all Americans to see.Â*The State Department needs to take a deeper look at the case instead of accepting documents that are invalid in supporting the Canadian's claim that Scott Loper rejected his right to American Consular services." concludes Franchi.

Aside from writing letters to congress Franchi is instructing the RTR membership to physically call and email the members of the State Department involved in the stonewalling of justice until hearings begin and Loper's missing son is located.

People can download customizable form letters to be sent to their congressmen from the organization's politically charged social networking website at

Considering the magnitude of the case involving Scott Loper's illegal torture and incarceration, Restore the Republic! has developed a website entirely devoted to the case of Scott Loper at

Restore the Republic! activists have been responsible for distributing over 250,000 copies of Aaron Russo's final film "America: Freedom to Fascism", forming a grassroots foundational base for the Ron Paul presidential Campaign, staging anti IRS protests outside post offices on April 15th, and filing thousands of complaints with the FEC concerning John McCain's Campaign finance abuses.

Restore the Republic! is an international political watchdog organization with over 37,000 members, and a monthly print publication "Republic Magazine" found at They are dedicated to a constitutionally limited government, abolishment of the Federal Reserve System, the Internal Revenue Service, and the incremental police state. Formed only months before their founder, Aaron Russo succumbed to cancer they are dedicated to exposing the injustices taking place chronicled in his last film.