Manufactured threats are big business

The US used to focus on making useful things.

Then came a parade of manufactured enemies:

- "The Huns" in World War I (a danger to British Imperial ambitions but not to us),

- The Axis (which our leading industrialists and bankers funded and armed),

- The communist menace (which we also helped create by exaggeration, pointless antagonism, and covert funding)

- "Al Queda", the CIA-created joke which we've practically spent more money "fighting" than on World War II

Now in the absence of any credible threat anywhere, the new danger is...Internet users. People with opinions, the technical term for which is now "domestic extremists."

Here's how this "war" (big bucks extravaganza) is being fought.

The Internet is the Achilles heel of
the corporate-criminal-government
gang that controls the mass media.

They'd like nothing more than to shut
it down, control it, or somehow intimidate
the people who are using it to get the
real news out into being quiet.

Here's how the war is being fought.


- Brasscheck

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