Ron Paul: 'Let's keep our money at home"
We put billions and billions into foreign aid and all we get is chaos'

Posted: February 11, 2011
10:50 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Rep. Ron Paul
Donald Trump might have been right when he warned that Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, could not get elected president of the United States.

But Paul owns the Conservative Political Action Conference, where he spoke today to the most enthusiastic reception given any member of Congress. He was given a standing ovation in the packed auditorium.

He took the opportunity to wonder if the latest developments around the world – such as the apparent takeover in Egypt by interests that may be linked to radical Islam – will make people pay attention to what the U.S. has been doing.

"There is a revolution going on in this country but it is not a revolution of party, it's a revolution of how we ought to rule this country," he said.

He praised the House for refusing to extend provisions of the Patriot Act, charging that the Patriot Act had nothing to do with patriotism.

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"The Patriot Act was about violating the Fourth Amendment rights of ordinary American citizens," he insisted.

And he raised the issue of U.S. intervention around the globe.

"How much did we invest in propping up Mubarak for all those years in Egypt?" Paul asked. "That's your tax money in those Swiss banks that Mubarak stole. I'm against foreign aid for everybody. We put billions and billions into foreign aid and all we get is chaos."

Paul got a rousing cheer from the audience when he said the United States should learn a lesson from Egypt, that it should avoid foreign entanglements.

"Unrest is spreading across the Middle East because the people there do not like the United States propping up dictators and puppet governments," he said. "Besides, we just don't have the money to do it anymore."

He reminded the CPAC that the Soviet Union suffered an economic collapse, not a defeat in war.

"There's no way the United States can continue to pay for a military presence in 135 countries with some 900 bases around the world," he insisted. "But don't expect Congress to cut the military budget. The military is not related to defense. Our military spending is related to the military-industrial complex."

Paul also attacked the Federal Reserve and its incredible levels of secrecy regarding how it manages the nation's monetary system, saying, "It's time we find out what the Federal Reserve is up to and who their buddies are."

The comment prompted the CPAC audience to engage in a round of chanting, "USA! USA!"

Repeating his call for an audit of the Fed, Paul insisted the Congress has the moral and legal authority to investigate its operations and activities.

"Forget about the recent call for civility," he said. "We've had too much bipartisanship in Congress for decades – the bipartisanship of Social Security, the bipartisanship of Medicare. What we need now is a bipartisanship that will cut both the favorite spending of the liberals in Congress and the conservatives."

He launched an attack against government regulations.

"We should all swear off a use of funds against our neighbors," he insisted. "Our only goal should be to promote liberty. We need to remember that liberty comes from God, not from government."

He argued government has no business redistributing income.

"Government should never be allowed to do anything you can't do," he said. "If you can't steal from your neighbor you shouldn't be allowed to send the government to steal from your neighbor."

Paul ended with a novel suggestion.

"Would you opt out if you could pay the government 10 percent of your income and then you don't expect the government to do anything?" he asked.

The audience shouted, "Yes" and applauded loudly.

"The brushfires are spreading," he said, "because the people are beginning to understand liberty."

Read more: Ron Paul: Let's keep our money at home