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Ron Paul, the 2002 Szasz Civil Liberties Award Winner
Monday, November 19th, 2007
in News by James Bovard

Some supporters of Ron Paul’s presidential campaign may not know that congressman Paul was a champion of civil liberties even in the era before the U.S. government legalized torture.

Paul won the Szasz Award for Outstanding Contributions to Civil Liberties in 2002. He is the only politician to ever win the award (named after the legendary psychiatrist Thomas Szasz, one of the great heroes of modern liberty).

Here are the comments I made at the award ceremony in November 2002 in Washington:

It is my honor on behalf of the Szasz award committee to present the award this year to Congressman Ron Paul.

Ron Paul speaks truth to power. Congressman Paul takes the high ground - stands on principle - and he often stands alone.

Last year, Paul was one of only three Republicans to vote against the Patriot Act and the only member of the House to vote against the money laundering provisions of the Patriot Act. Paul denounced that portion of the bill as “a laundry list of dangerous, unconstitutional power grabs…â€