I strongly suggest that what Obama has effected constitutes the high crime of treason against the USA and its citizens

Dictator Obama reaches Day 70 of his Gulf Destruction

By Sher Zieve
Monday, June 28, 2010

Although Barack Hussein Obama may not have pulled the trigger on the BP Gulf oil rig explosion, his abrogation of sand berms and virtually all other means to minimize the damage from the toxins and protect this US coastal region places him the position of destroyer-in-chief.

Through his actions involving apparent criminal mischief leading to the destruction of entire ecosystems and their attendant wildlife—including but, not limited to human life and livelihoods—Obama has placed himself firmly in the position of the most destructive and vicious leader of the USA that America has ever witnessed. And what has The Obama done to warrant such a statement? Let’s take a look.

1. Obama’s federal government refused to allow any foreign skimmers to assist in collecting the gushing oil that had surfaced. Note: The tyrant initially cited the Jones Act (Merchant Seaman Protection and Relief) as his excuse—an act sponsored by unions and initially passed to protect merchant seaman from having to compete with foreign entities in US waters. Suffice it to say, this act has been suspended numerous times by true US presidents in times of emergency. Obama, however, had his excuse for additional and total destruction of a large portion of the United States of America and was unwilling to give it up

[b]2. Obama’s insistence that “studies be affectedâ€