Ten Birds With More Federally Protected Rights to Life & Liberty Than Unborn Human Children

By Joe Calandra Jr.
Published: April 30, 2013 | 1 Comment

credit – north-west-wildlife.co.uk

While the D.C. City Council affords more rights to rats and raccoons than human children yet to be born, one federal statute (among many) secures hundreds of migratory birds protection from harassment, injury, capture, and termination that unborn human children haven’t had since 1973.

Sections 705 and 706 of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects hundreds of species of American and Canadian migratory birds from having “any bird, or any part, nest, or egg thereof, captured, killed, taken, shipped, transported, or carried at any time” by anyone that does not conform with any state hunting regulation.

People who violate this law are thus, guilty of a felony and subject to federal prosecution!

In other words, the Act, while leaving room for individual states to regulate authorized hunting seasons, protects born and/or unborn birds from being killed by people.

It also protects bird parts and bird dwellings from being taking away from the U.S. or Canada. If a state doesn’t protect a migratory bird species, the Act does.

If a state protects a migratory bird from potential harm, the Act upholds the state’s law and adds to it, a penalty for transporting bird nests, bird parts, live birds, and unborn birds (eggs) against the will of the birds themselves.

In short, federal law sees unborn migratory birds as worthy of a more zealous defense than unborn baby humans.

The complete list of protected birds is extensive.

Here are ten names of ten birds that have more Federally Protected Rights than baby humans.

  1. The American Crow
  2. The American Black Duck
  3. The Barnacle Goose
  4. The Common Barn Owl
  5. The Pigeon (Cepphus Columba)
  6. The Blackbird
  7. The Bluebird
  8. The Black-billed Magpie
  9. The Arctic Loon
  10. The Mallard Duck

This disparity between the zealousness of some lawmakers for defending animal rights to life while passionately denying that same right to unborn humans may serve to illuminate the depth of words of a man named Isaiah who said, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good, evil.
