s the war on terror a complete hoax? Paul Craig Roberts reveals how social engineers infected America with mass paranoia

Sunday, December 04, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) What if there weren't any real terrorists threatening America and the whole thing was just made up to justify a military agenda? A rational person might say that if we're all going to give up our rights, and our Fourth Amendment, and have U.S. troops in the streets running checkpoints, then logically there should at least be some evidence that America has been infiltrated with terrorists, right? Or, more specifically, evidence from a reliable source that has not already been caught lying about terrorism, which would exclude the federal government, of course.

Look around you today: Do you see any terrorists? Any "towel heads" aiming guns at your family? Anybody walking around with a vest full of explosives? Nope.

Have you ever seen the TSA catch a terrorist at the airport? Ever read a news report of the TSA catching a terrorist? Ever heard of an Air Marshall stopping a terrorist in-flight? Nope.

Have you ever heard of the FBI halting a terrorist plot that they didn't fabricate, plan and carry out themselves? (All the terror plots "stopped" by the FBI are, on the record, planned and carried out by the FBI itself.) (http://www.naturalnews.com/033751_F...)

Seriously. Clear the cobwebs out of your head for a moment and think logically: Where are all these "terrorists" that we're supposed to be afraid of and give up our rights for? Where are they?

Now, of course, the government can and will, from time to time, stage some sort of terrorist event to remind everyone to be afraid. That's a given. In classic Orwellian protocol, any war that grants a government unlimited power will be indefinitely sustained.

This is why the "War on Terror" was declared against a tactic, not a nation or a person. That way, the so-called "war" can be carried out indefinitely. A war with no end. Perpetual tyranny. At first, if you remember, we were told we needed TSA agents at the airports because of Osama Bin Laden, remember? He was the "mastermind" who was going to cause airplanes to fall out of the sky. So what happened after he was killed and removed from the picture? The U.S. government announced the terror threat was now "even higher" because Bin Laden's loyal supporters would now seek revenge!

Do you see how, under this brand of sick logic, the war on terror will go on indefinitely? They can always claim someone else is dangerous... there's always a new boogeyman when it serves the interests of the state. That's why it's now obvious that this war has been entirely fabricated to achieve specific political and social agendas.

The war on terror is a hoax
The best article yet written on this subject was penned by none other than Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.

As Roberts explains: (http://www.infowars.com/?p=62008)

"The US government creates whatever new bogeymen and incidents are necessary to further the neoconservative agenda of world hegemony and higher profits for the armaments industry."

He goes on to provide details:

"If we look around for the terror that the police state and a decade of war has allegedly protected us from, the terror is hard to find. Except for 9/11 itself, assuming we accept the government’s improbable conspiracy theory explanation, there have been no terror attacks on the US. Indeed, as RT pointed out on August 23, 2011, an investigative program at the University of California discovered that the domestic “terror plotsâ€