Why the change of heart? President Obama referred to Obamacare as ‘Obamacare’ just 2 times since Oct. 1 launch

Monday, Nov 11, 2013 at 1:45 PM EST

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Remember just days before the October 1 rollout of the Obamacare exchanges when President Obama said one day everyone will want to take credit for Obamacare. During a speech in Maryland on September 26, the President boldly declared:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Once it’s working really well, I guarantee you, they will not call it Obamacare. Here is a prediction for you. A few years from now, when people are using this to get coverage, everybody is feeling good about the choices they’ve got, there are going to be a whole bunch of folks that will say, yeah, yeah, I always thought this provision was excellent. I voted for that thing. You watch. It will not be called Obamacare.
In President Obama’s mind, Obamacare was going to be such an overwhelming success, anyone and everyone would want to take credit for the law and, therefore, would stop referring to it as Obamcare. Well, we know the law – so far – is nowhere near the overwhelming success he promised, but, curiously, the President has stopped referring to the Affordable Care Act as Obamacare pretty much cold turkey. Why the change of heart?
“So Stu said recently, you know, ‘I’m hearing the President say the Affordable Care Act an awful lot where it [used to be] Obamacare over and over and over again.’ And I said, ‘Really? Can you do a real quick chart for me and see what he was saying before the launch and what he’s saying now,’” Glenn explained on radio this morning. “And I always say this because he claimed that it was going to be so great that nobody like me would ever call it Obamacare. We would start calling it the Affordable Care Act because it would be so great, we wouldn’t want him to get credit. So has he taken his own advice when it turned out that it was exactly what we said it would be: A nightmare.”
To be fair, prior to the October 1 rollout of healthcare.gov, President Obama would oscillate between calling the law Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act. Since October 1, however, his rhetoric has taken a dramatic turn.
“Let’s take the past few months,” Stu said. “In July in his speeches, he said the Affordable Care Act 16 times and Obamacare 15 times. So right about even. Again in August, about even. He used the Affordable Care Act 10 times and Obamacare 7 times. Okay? Now we’re up to the ramp-up period – September – it’s about to launch, the buildup is coming. You might think maybe he has a thought that there’s going to be some problems. In September he went 44 times Affordable Care Act, 15 times Obamacare.”
It is what has happened since October 1, however, that is particularly telling.
“So the first two months were about a one-to-one ratio. Then he goes to a three-to-one ratio a little before September. A little odd, a little increase there, however, it’s October where it actually launches where he goes to a 50-to-2 – two Obamacare mentions… A 25-to-1 ratio Affordable Care Act to Obamacare.”
Below is a graph that shows the ratio of President’s usage of ‘Affordable Care Act’ versus ‘Obamacare’:

“He knew in September it was going to be bad,” Glenn concluded. “So here’s the thing. He knew it was going to be bad. This verifies that his aides did tell him in advance. He knew in advance. Otherwise why the sudden change, Mr. President?”
