I remember my grandfather killing the hogs to survive. Those grown hogs were mean

Recently, one of my children went to Costa Rica to farm for two weeks. I was told that she loved the back to basics there. She said, "you, (me), had taught her how to survive on little and to be a conserving person."

And then I remember living with my grandparents when I was a child. We had outhouses, no running water, just beginning electricity, first television that run for only a few hours a day, etc. in my memories. Life was hard but I still loved the people and nature around me. Life is not suppose to be easy

CrazyBird: I, too, remember my grandmother going and getting a chicken (from pen to table) it was so good. The same grandmother made from scratch - cakes. She sewed on a footpedaled sewing machine. I can still can see that awful green dress she made me when I started school in the 60's. I was the proudest child around of that dress.

And to this very day I buy real butter, for I had churned homemade butter as a child and Ole my to this very day I desire the real stuff. Now, this is being spoiled in my opinion.

I am currently studying my ancestry

My past family settled this new America, I am not a quitter, kind of person

Americans are the hardest working people in this world