USA deeply concerned about Russian nuclear-capable bombers returning to Cuba

Front page / Russia / Politics
23.07.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru

Washington is deeply concerned about an opportunity for Russia to use Cuban air bases to deploy its strategic bombers there in response to US missile defense plans in Europe. Gen. Norton Schwartz stated that Russia would be crossing a red line with such an intention.

USA deeply concerned about Russian nuclear-capable bombers returning to Cuba

"I certainly would offer best military advice that we should engage the Russians not to pursue that approach," Schwartz told the Senate Armed Services Committee

"And if they did, I think we should stand strong and indicate that that is something that crosses a threshold, crosses a red line for the United States of America."

Russia’s Izvestia newspaper reported this week that Moscow was considering an opportunity for strategic bombers to fly to Cuba in response to USA’s intentions to deploy the missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic.

Russian strategic aircraft Tu-160 (known as the White Swan) and Tu-95MS can technically reach Cuba. It was even said that they had already landed on the Island of Freedom.

It goes without saying that the USA has its own eyes and ears on the island – the Guantanamo base. Therefore, if Russian bombers had landed in Cuba, the international scandal would have happened already.

Lieutenant-General Leonid Ivashov, the former chairman of the International Cooperation Department of the Russian Defense Ministry, stated that Cuba did not need Russian bombers for constant deployment, although Russia could still use Cuba as a refueling base for nuclear-capable bombers.

Ivashov believes that Cuba would not mind Russia deploying its electronic surveillance posts on the Lourdes radar base, which was closed in 2001. The official reminded that the facility was previously used for the prevention of nuclear attacks during the Soviet era.

Russia ’s military and transport aircraft perform frequent commercial flights to Cuba nowadays.

“The possible deployment of the Russian strategic aviation in Cuba could be a very good response to USA’s plans to deploy NATO bases near Russia’s borders,â€