This is not to argue with whether you agree or disagree with me on politics, this is just to "classify" me as to what I should label myself politically. Am I a conservative liberal, a liberal conservative, more a Repub or more a Dem, right, left or straight middle? Am curious to see what your answer would be. I label myself as an independent, but am wondering what you think my label should be? Here goes: Both major parties have some but not all of my values (there's no way to totally please me in any election!!) I am both pro-life from conception to grave, believe that to let any species of creation (animals, plants, fungi, etc) go extinct is a sin against God and that I am pro-environment, believe marriage is between one man and one woman and children need a parent of both sexes, believe gays should not be beat up, killed or treated like Westboro Baptist Church treats them and that anyone should be able to leave their possessions to whomever or whatever organization they choose in their will, I believe putting "Big Business" and tax breaks for the ultra rich before the poor and middle classes is wrong, I believe Social Security should be preserved, I believe in making it where every American can get affordable health care (either federal or reforming the existing system)and not be dropped from their coverage without mandating every American get coverage, I believe in welfare only for hard-working people who have an unexpected life slip and need help, I believe that the references to God in our currency and other things should be left alone because they have always been part of our historical heritage, but that noone should be forced to be any one religion, I believe that people should be allowed to have firearms to protect themselves should they pass a rigourous mental test, but the only way I would support the use of major weapons such as AK47's by non-governmental officials is if something extreme happened, such as the government of the country falls apart and Commies or other radicals are on your street with their own major weapons coming to your door ready to take you out. Other than that extreme a regular handgun should be sufficient to deter the regular rapist or burglar types. And if your kids get ahold of your weapon(s) you get into major trouble with the law for not properly securing your weapons out of harm's way. I believe in preserving our Constitution, and that unless we're talking about God Almighty Himself ruling the world, having global rule by a few people is a VERY bad idea, because people mess up and make mistakes and they can "ego trip" and ruin all of our lives-I believe in nation-states and a free world for all instead (only the jihad Muslims, Commies and tyrants would disagree with that probably), I believe in free speech and freedom of religion but not blowing up people because of your religion. I believe in legal immigration only (no amnesty of illegal aliens) and that everyone coming here of their own free will to live is expected to assimilate to our culture and speak English in public the way past generations of immigrants did. I also believe Native Americans/native Hawaaiians/native Alaskans should be allowed to preserve their languages and cultures as they please and that mainstream Americans should not be allowed to oppress them. I believe in legalizing all drugs for medical use alone, by prescription only and in pill form alone so that it doesn't destroy our lungs or give us a "high". I believe in life in prison instead of the death penalty, but that prisoners have to work for their own substance and not drain the taxpayers, a humane "chain gang" to work on our roadways and other federal projects would save to U.S. much money on fixing stuff for free!

OK, that's the jist of it. So what am I as far as a label?