I have seen several TV commentators asking specifically which agencies of the U.S. government give funds to ACORN.

HUD Money Goes to ACORN

Saturday, September 12, 2009 7:22 PM

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has given the community organization ACORN millions of dollars since 2003, government records show.

According to Fox News, ACORN Housing Corp. was given $1.6 million this fiscal year to help provide housing in low-income areas. From 2003 to 2006, grants from HUD to ACORN totaled $8.2 million. Another $1.6 million went to ACORN affiliates.

On Friday, the Census Bureau severed its ties with ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) after months of negative publicity over accusations of voter-registration fraud.

"It is clear that ACORN's affiliation with the 2010 census promotion has caused sufficient concern in the general public, has indeed become a distraction from our mission, and may even become a discouragement to public cooperation, negatively impacting 2010 census efforts," Census director Robert Groves wrote in a letter to ACORN, which was obtained by The Associated Press.

Earlier this week, a hidden-camera expose showed ACORN workers apparently helping a couple apply for an illegal loan to buy a brothel. The couple posed as a pimp and prostitute.

http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/acor ... 59394.html