Can the world be changed with good information
Yes it can. We just need some.

Russ Baker from

There's a lot of good information out there.

Fortunately, it's getting easier and easier to find so that anyone with the will can find it.

One of the more encouraging developments is the steady growth of

Well researched, non-hysterical, non-sensationalized reporting on what's going on and not being reported in America today.

Can the world be changed with
good information?

We just need some.

Russ Baker paints an optimistic
picture of how we can get it.


- Brasscheck TV

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I am not too sure about what he says. to me. the only time any of these politicians respond to any of us is when we are so fed up were all calling them non stop and screaming. To me they are too busy working for what they can get for themselves and forget abut us. Until we vote them out..