The shear audacity of the Democrats and the perfect storm timing of a sick at heart nation is how Obama came to be. The Constitution has been ignored for so long now that this was just a none issue for many in Congress and the "natural born" requirements were not known at all by the populous. But it was very well known by "Constitutional attorney" Obama and Pelosi. The DNC fraud proves beyond reasonable doubt the fraud and conspiracy. Also the McCain eligibility challenge supports congressional knowledge of POTUS requirements and a willful ignoring of those requirements for Obama. Why? Remains the big question..

I tried many times to help those filing suits to stop the birther angle. It was just not relevant. But what it did was make people believe that all that was needed was proof of citizenship to be POTUS. When the COLB was issued it was referred to by everyone as a Birth Certificate by media and even Orly T. This was all that was needed by the obmabots and much of the Nation that did not want to be categorized a racist. As of today…this is still a “popular opinionâ€