Google’s archive shows Obama’s birth story has changed

October 15, 2009 by John Charlton
FIRST ONE STORY, THEN ANOTHER — Has Google scrubbed its own News Archive?

by John Charlton

(Oct. 15, 2009) — It’s the world’s largest online repository of Newspaper information, spanning the globe and more than a century of history: the Google News Archive. The Post & Email can attest to its utility and depth of coverage, which enabled it to research the biography of Judge Jerome B. Simandle and publically identify him as an ex-Naider’s Raider. This archive containes scanned images and or digitized text of printed newspapers and electronically available news reports for more than 100 years from papers and news agencies around the globe.

However, its results are skewed when you attempt to search for “Kenyan-born Obamaâ€