Barack Obama’s Plan To Tax Americans For The Number Of Miles That They Drive Is Part Of The Radical Green Agenda Being Shoved Down The Throats Of The Entire World

May 6th, 2011
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Do you know what a trial balloon is? It is when politicians will float an idea in the media to see what the reaction of the public will be. Well, right now one trial balloon that is being floated is the idea that we should tax Americans for the number of miles that they drive. This proposal showed up in a draft bill that was being circulated within the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Office of Management and Budget. You can view a copy of this draft bill here. Of course the Obama administration is denying that this proposal will be in the final draft of the legislation. The Obama administration is stressing that this was just "a draft" of the bill. But this is what happens very often with trial balloons. They are put out there and the politicians will say things like "this is being studied" or "this isn't a serious proposal yet" and then one day we all wake up and it is suddenly being implemented. The fact that there is even draft legislation that would tax Americans based on the number of miles that they drive should be incredibly sobering for all of us. If the global warming alarmists have their way, there are going to be lots of these kinds of taxes in our future.

The following is how an article posted on The Hill describes some of the specifics of this proposal....

Among other things, CBO suggested that a vehicle miles traveled (VMT) tax could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on each car to determine how many miles were driven; payment could take place electronically at filling stations.
Doesn't that just sound lovely?

How many of you are going to line up to be the first ones to have this tracking equipment installed in your car?

Sadly, if this ever does become law, the tracking equipment will probably be installed on all new vehicles.

This is just another example of how our politicians love to tax things that they don't like.

The Obama administration is full of global warming alarmists that want to penalize Americans for anything that increases emissions of carbon dioxide.

It doesn't matter to them that carbon dioxide is one of the basic building blocks of life on planet earth, and that our atmosphere is already starved of carbon dioxide.

It doesn't matter to them that reducing levels of carbon dioxide will make it harder for crops to grow and could set off a global famine.

It doesn't matter to them that carbon dioxide has nothing to do with global warming.

It doesn't matter to them that over 95% of all carbon dioxide emissions would still occur even if humans were not present on Earth.

For those that are "true believers" in the radical green agenda, no amount of common sense will stop them from pressing forward with their militant crusade.

In Europe, the European Commission has unveiled a plan to ban all cars from major European cities by the year 2050.

Yes, you read that correctly.

In Europe, the mantra that "carbon dioxide = evil" has become gospel. This banning of cars from city centers is all part of a draconian master plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Europe by 60 percent over the next 40 years.

The sad truth is that the radical green agenda is at the very heart of the tyrannical New World Order system that the global elite very much desire to impose on every nation on earth.

Just watch the video posted below. It was originally produced by the Forum for the Future, a major NGO funded by big corporations such as Time Warner and Royal Dutch Shell. In this video, the Forum for the Future presents their chilling version of the future. Are you ready to live in a "Planned-opolis"? Are you ready to use a "calorie card" and to have what you eat determined by a "global food council"? This is the kind of tyrannical future that these radical environmental organizations want to impose on you and I....

Planned-opolis - More Fantasies from the Minds of Eco-Tyrants ... r_embedded

Are you frightened yet?

You should be.

Who could forget the "Green Police" advertisement that was run during a recent Super Bowl?

It is a very funny commercial, but the underlying message is very serious. Audi is trying to communicate that their cars are "good for the environment" and that if you want to be a good "global citizen" you will consider their line of vehicles....

Audi 2010 Green Car Super Bowl Commercial ... r_embedded

This is the direction that the world is heading.

Are you going to sit there and do nothing or are you going to speak out?

The radical green agenda is already being heavily implemented in the United States.

Today, the federal government has become so obsessed with reducing carbon emissions that now they even tell us what kinds of light bulbs we are allowed to buy.

In some areas of the United States, government snoopers actually sort through the trash of residents to ensure that environmental rules are being followed. For example, in the city of Cleveland, Ohio authorities have announced plans to have "trash supervisors" go snooping through trash cans to ensure that people are actually recycling according to city guidelines.

Is that the kind of "Amerika" that you want to live in?

This is happening all across the United States.

If you plan to say something, now is the time.

Later might be too late.

You know what? The international community is even considering doing some "radical geoengineering" to the earth in order to fight global warming.

In a recent article, I documented 12 of the stupidest ideas that authorities have come up with to fight global warming....

#12 One "researcher" actually seriously proposed that we should dump millions of tons of Special K into the oceans of the world. This would supposedly alter the "reflectivity" of the oceans, thus reducing global warming.

#11 The head of the IPCC, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, says that UN scientists will now be looking into "geoengineering" methods for fighting global warming which include placing mirrors above the planet to reflect the sun's rays back into space, sprinkling huge amounts of iron filings into our oceans and creating "man-made volcanoes" that would shoot sulfate particles high into our atmosphere.

#10 There are some scientists that are proposing that we should have our cows eat massive amounts of garlic to keep them from farting so much. It turns out that global warming alarmists are terrified of methane, and new research shows that garlic may help reduce the amount of methane that cows produce.

#9 On a similar note, Lord Stern of Brentford, one of the leading "experts" on climate change in the UK, says that everyone should simply stop eating meat so that we do not need to have as many cows and pigs around. The idea is that if there are less cows and pigs there will be a whole lot less farting and thus a lot less methane in the atmosphere.

#8 Dr. Jason Box, a scientist from Ohio State University, is actually proposing that we should wrap Greenland in a gigantic blanket. He believes that the blanket would attract the sun's heat, and therefore the melting of Greenland's glaciers would be slowed down.

#7 The U.K.'s Institute of Mechanical Engineers wants to cover our buildings with massive amounts of algae. Their theory is that the algae would absorb lots of carbon from the atmosphere and therefore help reduce global warming.

#6 James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia hypothesis, stated in an interview with the Guardian earlier this year that "democracy must be put on hold" if the fight against global warming is going to be successful and that only "a few people with authority" should be permitted to rule the planet until the crisis is solved.

#5 Paul J. Crutzen of Germany's Max Planck Institute says that we should pump massive amounts of smog high into the earth's atmosphere. The idea is that the sulfur dioxide in the smog would reflect solar radiation, thus cooling the planet.

#4 The Optimum Population Trust, based in the UK, says that preventing the birth of one child in Africa is enough to "offset" the carbon footprint of one flight from London to Australia. So they propose providing huge amounts of condoms to the developing world to "help" them have less children.

#3 Professor Kevin Anderson, the Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, says that wealthy nations should implement World War 2-style rationing in order to cut carbon emissions to acceptable levels.

#2 Some "climate scientists" are now actually being so bold as to propose the "forced relocation" of entire human populations. The executive summary of a key report that was discussed at the recent international climate change conference in Cancun, Mexico proposes "the implementation of relocation programs for human settlements and infrastructure in high risk areas." Considering what "forced relocations" have looked like throughout history, that statement is more than a little chilling.

#1 For many climate scientists, the number one reason why there are too many carbon emissions is because there are too many humans. Therefore many involved in the fight against climate change see "population reduction" as the key to humanity's future.

Sadly, this philosophy is now even showing up in official UN documents. For example, the March 2009 U.N. Population Division policy brief begins with the following shocking statement....

What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least developed countries?
It seems like population control is very much on the minds of the folks over at the UN these days. This was very clearly seen once again when the United Nations Population Fund recently released its annual State of the World Population Report entitled "Facing a Changing World: Women, Population and Climate".

The following are three quotes that were pulled right out of that document....

1) "Each birth results not only in the emissions attributable to that person in his or her lifetime, but also the emissions of all his or her descendants. Hence, the emissions savings from intended or planned births multiply with time."

2) "No human is genuinely "carbon neutral," especially when all greenhouse gases are figured into the equation. Therefore, everyone is part of the problem, so everyone must be part of the solution in some way."

3) "Strong family planning programmes are in the interests of all countries for greenhouse-gas concerns as well as for broader welfare concerns."

If no human is "carbon neutral", that means that each and every one of us is part of the problem.

To those that are obsessed with the radical green agenda, the fact that you are alive and breathing air is a problem.

Many radical environmentalists would actually cheer if a large percentage of humanity suddenly died off.

Yes, there are lots of people out there that are actually like that. They see humanity as a "disease" the is "infecting" the planet.

If you doubt this, read my article entitled "The Green Agenda Is About Getting Rid Of As Many Humans As Possible".

You or I would never think like this, but many of those that are true believers in the "green movement" are absolutely obsessed with rescuing the Earth from evil humans.

Look, there is certainly nothing wrong with protecting the environment. There are very real ways that the environment is being absolutely destroyed every single day.

Unfortunately, the radical green agenda almost totally ignores most of the real environmental issues and instead focuses on things such as carbon emissions, global warming and "overpopulation".

The solutions proposed by those advocating the radical green agenda would actually be severely damaging to the planet and would leave humanity living in a futuristic, tyrannical hellhole.

If you do not want to live in a "Planned-opolis" where your life is completely dominated by a bunch of control freaks you better say something now, because this is the direction that the world is headed.

So is anyone else out there concerned about these things? Feel free to leave a comment with your opinion below....

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